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服務條款/Term of Service

1. Order 訂購

1.1 The ordering procedure 訂購流程

A detailed description of the Products is available to any individual visiting the Site(www.dlictea.com), except for whom from the countries which list in shipping policy.
每個人都可從DLIC TEA網站上的購物。

The system put into place involves active steps on your part. It complies with the requirements of law in the domain of online sales and consumer protection.

To order the Products you wish, enter onto the product sheet the items you wish to purchase by clicking on the photograph; select the desired quantity, then click on «add to cart ». Your choices will be added to your cart automatically.
在DLIC TEA 網站購物,點選欲購買的產品圖片、選擇購買數量後,加入購物車。根據網站上的訂購步驟完成訂購。

You may select several Products in a given reference by changing the quantities in your order summary and clicking on the button " Checkout". Fill-in the form with your complete details and payment means. After that, select the shipping way you need. The system will calculate the total amount you have to pay for.
可以選取不同產品與數量加入購物車內。點選Check out後,在訂購表內填入收件人相關資訊、付款方式與寄送方式。之後系統會自動計算總金額。

1.2 Order Acceptance 訂單成立

DLIC TEA pledges to accept orders placed via the Internet, within the limit of available stocks, on the terms of this instruction, which you must declare you have read and accepted when you validate your order.
DLIC TEA 網站感謝每一筆來自您的訂單。但在訂購時請留意商品庫存狀態,庫存會影響處理運送時間。

Before concluding the sale contract, an order form will be displayed on your screen resuming in detail your entire order, the price, cost of delivery and shipping information. Please finish paying on line via Paypal.

1.3 Limitations 限制

Orders will be accepted only after receipt of full payment and will be confirmed by DLIC TEA. We will contact you by email address "service@dlictea.com".
付款後才會完成整個訂購流程,DLIC TEA地利茶會寄送訂購確認電子郵件。後續相關連絡會使用service@dlictea.com 信箱聯絡。

DLIC TEA reserves the right to cancel all orders which are invalid, suspicious or which are placed in poor faith. Furthermore, we reserve the right to refuse all orders from a client with whom any prior or ongoing litigation exists.

  1. Do not make payment within one week 一周內未完成付款。
  2. Recipient information is not clear 收件者資訊不夠清楚。

2. Prices 價格

The prices displayed are in Pound and all include tax but without shipping fee.

The prices are net prices including the price of the Products, the handling costs, packaging and storage costs.

Prices are valid on the date of the validation of the order. They may be modified subsequently, without notice.

3. Payment Terms 付款方式

The Products purchased on our Site are paid in full at the time of the order. The Products shall remain the property of DLIC TEA until full payment of the orders.

Payments are made by bank card/credit card (Master Card, Visa, please using 2checkout), Paypal, and Alipay.

We provide customers in Taiwan with pay-at-pickup service at convenience store CVS (7-11/Family Mart/ Hi Life). Besides, we also provide cash on delivery for home deliver.

4. SHIPPING 運送方式

4.1 Taiwan (including Penghu, Kinmen and Matsu)台澎金馬可使用以下配送方式:

  1. Home delivery by Chunghwa Post or SF Express
  2. Pick-up service at convenience store: 7-11/Family Mart/ Hi Life.
    便利商店取貨(貨到付款):可選用 7-ELEVEN 統一超商、FamilyMart 全家便利商店與萊爾富。

4.2 China, HongKong, Macau 中港澳

  1. China: by SF EXPRESS. In order to cooperate with China Customs Regulation, please register recipient information online and provide correct recipient ID and phone number to us.
    中國: 使用順豐快遞。為配合中國進口個人包裹實名制,請收件者完成進口收貨人實名認證作業,並在訂購時提供收件者身分證字號與聯絡電話。
  2. HongKong, Macau: by SF ExPRESS

4.3 Rest of Areas 其他區域

將使用郵局EMS、國際包裹、國際e小包或是SingPost Epac。
We will use postal service for the rest of areas.

5. Shipping Fee 運費

We only charge shipping fee for fixed rate. 運費只收取固定基本費。

  • 台灣:宅配與超商取貨付款為運費為新台幣70元,消費額超過新台幣999元(含)免運費。Taiwan: NTD 70. Free shipping for spending over NTD 999 (inclusive).
  • 其他:
Courier 運送業者Area 地區Shipping Cost運費
郵局/超商台澎金馬NTD 70
SF Express 順豐China, HongKong, Macau 中港澳NTD 200
國際e小包 ePacket
Japan, South Korea 日本、韓國
NTD 380
國際e小包 ePacket
UK, France, Germany, Denmark, Poland, Norway 英國、法國、德國、挪威、丹麥、波蘭
NTD 330
國際e小包 ePacket
Malaysia, Singapore 
NTD 250
Air Parcel of Postal Service 郵局包裹Spain, Slovakia, Netherlands, Austria. 西班牙、斯洛伐克、荷蘭、奧地利NTD 550
Air Parcel of Postal Service 郵局包裹Finland, Lithuania 芬蘭、立陶宛NTD 720
SingPost EpacUSA 美國NTD 450
SingPost EpacAustralia, New ZealandNTD 450
SingPost EpacCanada 加拿大NTD 500
EMSSouth Asia 東南亞@NTD 750
EMSBelgium, Swiss, Sweden, Czech, Italy. 比利時、瑞士、瑞典、捷克與義大利。NTD 1,000
