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越泰新馬配送 Vietnam, Thai, Singapore, Malaysia, Vpost

越泰新馬配送 Singapore, Malaysia

運費只收固定費用TWD 250。將採用郵局國際e小包出貨;若指定出貨到台灣vpost倉庫,將採用郵局包裹。

The shipping fee is charged by fixed rate: TWD 250. We will use e-packet of postal service to ship out your package. It is traceable. 

Vpost Taiwan

若您有Vpost帳號,也可以選擇出貨到位在台灣的vpost集貨倉,地址請務必填寫清楚,並在訂單中寫明您的Vpost帳號,以利倉庫收貨與後續運送。消費滿NTD 999(含)免運,未滿TWD 999,將收取70元運費。在商品寄出後,會另外以郵件告知包裹尺寸與重量。

包裹寄送到Vpost倉庫後,會由Vpost人員跟您連絡後續運送事宜。Vpost 帳號格式:XX-XXXX-XXXX (前兩位為英文,後八位為數字)。


If you have Vpost account, we can ship to the warehouse where Vpost sets up in Taiwan. Don't forget to provide your Vpost account number. It will be free shipping if the purchase AMT is over TWD 999; AMT below TWD 999, the shipping fee is TWD 70.

We will provide the size and weight of the package by email. When the package is delivered in Vpost Taiwan Warehouse, they will contact for further shipment. Format of Vpost account No. XX-XXXX-XXXX (first two digit are alphabet; the rests are numbers). 

Please make a payment in TWD/NTD by Newebpay (Credit Card); otherwise, the payment will not be successful.

國家/地區 Country/Region最低進口免稅額 De minimis value 
新加坡 Singapore SGD 400 (TWD 8,500)
馬來西亞 MalaysiaMYR 500 (TWD 3,600)
越南 VietnamVND 1,000,000 (TWD1,300)
泰國 ThailandTHB 1,500 (TWD1,300)